Sustainable Ag / Community Supported Agriculture Serving Idaho
Agri Beef Co.
Robert Rebholtz, Jr. - President, CEO - Boise, ID
All West/Select Sires
- Burlington, WA
Beartooth Capital Partners
Robert Keith - Managing Principal and Co-Founder - Bozeman, MT
Brady's Plant Ranch, Ltd.
John and Karen Brady - Downey, ID
Chestnut Growers of America
- Richmond, VA
CROPP Cooperative
- Westby, WI
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Five Islands Farm
- Georgetown, ME
- Portland, ME
Freight Farms
- Boston, MA
Hat Brand Beef
- Oakley, ID
Holistic Management International
Sandy Langelier - Director, Communications & Outreach - Albuquerque, NM
Idaho Bean Commission
Lacey Menasco - Administrator - Boise, ID
Idaho Cattle Association
- Boise, ID
Idaho SARE
Carmen Willmore - Extension Educator - Bonners Ferry, ID
Idaho Wool Growers Association
John Noh - President - Boise, ID
Lau Family Farm
- Soda Springs, ID
Lava Lake Land & Livestock, L.L.C.
Kathleen and Brian Bean - Owners - Hailey, ID
Marbleseed - Spring Valley, WI
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Butte, MT
- New York, NY
Regenterra Solutions
- Quincy, MA
Slow Food USA
Richard McCarthy - Executive Director - Brooklyn, NY
Swore Farms
Mike and Wendy Swore - Pocatello, ID
Treasure Valley Beekeeppeers' Club
Mark Nagel - President - Boise, ID
Unique Places To Save
- Chapel Hill, NC
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT