Although fires have been burning in Idaho for as long as Idaho has been a state, Idaho Firewise is relatively new. Idaho Firewise has been making an appearance throughout the state since 2008, but it wasn't until 2010, that it really took shape. It is the result of the Idaho State Fire Plan Working Group's 2007 National Fire Plan survey that was distributed to all 44 counties. The survey indicated that there was a need for a statewide fire education and prevention program. Idaho Firewise has been growing strong ever since.
Firewise is a nationally recognized term that refers to a way of being, living, and doing that accounts for and prepares for the event of fire. Fire is a natural part of Idaho's ecosystem, and therefore, requires us to adopt a firewise mentality that accepts and acknowledges the roles and responsibilities of living here. Idaho Firewise is here to help you become a firewise Idahoan!
Our Mission
Idaho Firewise coordinates, supports, and promotes statewide wildland fire education to broaden the understanding of wildfire’s role in ecosystems and encourages those who live in or visit Idaho to take responsibility in reducing the risk of loss from wildfire.
Our Purpose
- Provide a coordinated, consistent, interagency, and consensus-driven approach to wildland fire education in Idaho.
- Define the target audiences, messages and methods of delivery and match audience needs with existing materials or develop new materials.
- Establish and grow partnerships with private and public entities that have a stake in wildfire prevention and education.
- Inventory, catalog, and provide a web-based clearinghouse of the existing fire education materials.
- Coordinate the development and delivery of key messages.
- Facilitate information sharing across agencies and jurisdictional lines.
- Develop resources and support for educational and other community led activities across the state.
Contact Idaho Firewise
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of IdahoLandCAN.
Idaho Firewise is not employed by or affiliated with the Idaho Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Idaho Firewise
Ivy Dickinson
Executive Director
P.O. Box 8234
Moscow, ID 83843
Phone: 208-310-7472
Toll Free: 888-285-5889
Fax: 208-310-7472
Service Area
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