Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission Updated:01/2022

The Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission (Conservation Commission) focuses on Conservation the Idaho Way - voluntary stewardship vs. regulatory mandates.   We promote responsible stewardship by providing cost sharing and technical expertise for conservation projects on private land throughout Idaho. Proactive, non-regulatory projects are beneficial because they address issues of concern and help avoid costly lawsuits and onerous regulations.

The Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission focuses on three main areas to achieve Conservation the Idaho Way:

  1. Supporting Idaho's 50 conservation districts with financial support and Technical assistance
  2. Conservation Incentive Programs - Low-interest loans (up to $200,000 per loan) are available to qualifying landowners to purchase equipment and/or engage in conservation projects. The commission also leads state efforts on the federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) to offer incentives to landowners to reduce ground water consumption in the Snake River Plain Aquifer by taking marginal farm ground out of production.
  3. Conservation Programs - The commission writes agricultural and grazing plans that employ best management practices (BMPs) to reduce nitrates and agricultural chemicals to improve water quality in surface and ground water. The commission also assists landowners with conservation plans.


Contact Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of IdahoLandCAN.
Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission is not employed by or affiliated with the Idaho Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission

322 E Front Street
Suite 560
Boise, ID  83702
Phone: 208-332-1790
Fax: 208-332-1799

Service Area

Statewide service provider in:
  • Idaho